Get started

Get started with pragmeo in a few easy steps

Create an account

If you have not already created a free account, then head over to the sign up page and create one.

Define your Practice

  • Define Services

    Define the services your practice provide to clients. There is a library of templates to choose from.
    Help: Create a service

  • Fine Tune

    Services can be tailored to fit exactly your practice. Everything is configurable.

  • Publish

    That is it! You have a service catalog ready to be used for business


Pick services from our catalog


Tailor any part of a service

Add Clients

  • Import Clients

    Create your clients from CVR by importing data from VIRK.
    Help: Create a client

  • Add Contacts

    When adding clients from VIRK, contacts are created at the same time. Go through contacts and supply information or enable self-service login. And add any extra contacts that are needed.
    Help: Create a contact

  • Tailor Client List

    The client list can be tailored to fit exactly your needs. Add new forms or tailor exising ones.


Create clients from VIRK

Schedule and Run

  • Connect Clients with Services

    Go through clients and set up the services provided to them.
    Help: Create a task

  • Schedule

    Configure the yearly schedule and define participants

  • Run!

    That is it! Whenever a new engagement is started, a collaboration room is created for you..


Schedule a service


Cases created from schedules

Ready to transform your practice?

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